Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bespectacled Senate Leaders Ready to Pass LGBT Rights Bill

LGBT rights have been gaining ground in the U.S. for some time. The LGBT community has taken part in it and organized a number of marches and demonstrations and these have had an effect.

Amongst the public and also in the media there has been a growing discussion and advocacy of LGBT rights andLGBT news. This has led to greater awareness and interest in LGBT rights. The senate is considering this issue and steps are being taken to pass a bill against LGBT discrimination in the workplace. Senate leaders are taking various positions but there is a growing momentum led by Senator Majority leader like Harry Reid and Senator Jeff Merkley to pass this legislation.

Yet others like Senate speaker John Boehner and Jeff Flake are either opposed to the rights or are equivocal. Senator Harry Reid, in his rather elegant and classical reading glasses, has been a gentle yet steady force behind this important legislation. He exudes a rather venerable and mature look with his classic glasses. The senators are deliberating rather intensely, to incorporate any necessary modifications and changes to the bills. The metal glasses often worn by these senators give them a very studious, serious look as is expected from people with positions of such responsibility.

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